Welcome to our website for MCHS.  We are pleased to be able to keep you better informed about all our events and activities here at our school. Please take a few moments to browse our website and learn a little more about our wonderful school. It is our hope to regularly post information on this site, so please check back from time to time. 

On behalf of the staff and students of Mobile Central High, thank you for your continued support of all our initiatives as together we create a community culture and enthusiasm for learning. 

Please check below for our latest news. 

Latest News and Announcements

Daily Announcements

Please check our daily announcements to the right!

MCHS Announcements

Midterm Exam Guidelines

Please see document to the right. We wish our students all the best. 

Please take good care of yourselves. Eat right and get your rest. A good, honest effort is important along with self care.

Mobile Central High Exam Guidelines 2025

Midterm Exam Schedule 2025

Please see the exam schedule to the right. Ensure you review the guidance for missed exams, expectations during the exam and what happens if there is a school closure.

FINAL FINAL VERSION for Submission MCHS Exam Schedule 2025

Tutoring After School

We have two tutoring programs which are Tutoring for Tuition and Math Tutoring. Tutoring for Tuition will consistently be Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Math Tutoring will primarily be Mondays unless there is a staff meeting or no school for students such as PL days or scheduled holidays. The schedule for math help only is to the right. Students with be joining the math teachers according to these dates.

All Tutoring for Tuition takes place in the library from 3:00 to 4:00. Please reach out to Ms. Bourgeois or the school with any questions.

Copy of After School Math Help -Winter/Spring 2025 (Shareable Copy)

MCHS Cell Policy

Please see the policy to the right. Note that there are expectations and procedure specific to the school added to the memo.

MCHS/NLSchools - Cell Phone Policy

MCHS Cap & Gown Ceremony for 2023-24 

Congratualtions to all of our graduates! We are so very proud of you. You worked very hard to get to this special time in your lives. We wish you all the best in the future. 

A huge thank you for all of our community sponsors. We are very fortunate to have an incredibly supportive school community. This means a great deal to our students.

Please see our Awards Program to the right that names our community sponsors and shows our award recipients from the cap and Gown ceremony.

2024 Awards Booklet Night Ceremony

MCHS In School Awards for 2023-24 School Year

We are very proud to announce the recipients of our In School Awards! The ceremony is intended to recognize the value of work ethic but also the importance of certain personal characteristcs such as kindness and respect for others.

We also are grateful for the outstanding community support in funding our scholarship program for our graduates and our students currently at Mobile.

2024 In School Awards Booklet

Christmas Fundraisers!

We are currently working on two fundraisers that we feel would be great for Christmas.  They include poinsettias and personalized Christmas cards created by your own child. Order forms and more details are below. Both are due November 15th at 9:00 am.

MCHS Poinsettia Order Form.pdf
Holiday Products Order Form.pdf

Donation Letter for Award Ceremonies 2024

We are looking for your help. We will be hosting our Cap and Gown/Awards Night for our 2021 graduates on Thursday, November 28th at 7:00 pm, as well as the Inschool Awards for our current students on Tuesday, November 19th at 7:00 pm.

This means we are looking for scholarship donations from our community. We are hoping that you can reach out to groups or businesses in the community to provide donations. Perhaps, you may be in a position to donate yourself.

These awards ceremonies are intended to stress the value of hard work to attain a goal and the importance of education to future success in many aspects of life. I have attached a donation letter with more details. Please feel free to share this letter with as many organizations as possible. Thanks for your help.

Scholarship Letter 2024

Food not Permitted in School due to Anaphylactic Reactions

Foods not to be taken to school due to life threatening allergies include: 

Video Surveillance

It is important that all parents and guardians are aware that the school uses a video security system. We believe this is necessary to protect the safety and security of students, staff and visitors and to protect student and district property.  

According to district policy, a video/electronic security system can be a valuable tool for promoting safe and secure teaching and learning environments. Such systems can support the implementation of Safe and Caring Schools policies and may help schools to respond to bullying behaviour, prevent or reduce theft and vandalism and provide a means for holding individuals accountable for criminal or unbecoming conduct while on district property. The use of video/electronic security systems on district property balances the privacy rights of students and others with our obligation to provide safe learning and working environments and the need to protect district property from theft and vandalism. 

Welcome Back for the 2024-25 School Year

Please see the letter to the right for the information you will need for the first day

2024-25 School Year Start for Parents

Award Ceremonies 2023-24

We recently held our award ceremonies for our graduates and current students.  We want to celebrate all our students for being the best version of themselves every day. We also appreciate our wonderful community support in funding our scholarship program for our graduates and our students currently at Mobile.  Please see our programs below to see our award recipients for the last school year and the community sponsors for these awards.

2023 In School Awards Booklet .pdf
2023 Awards Booklet Night Ceremony .pdf

Walk for Breakfast

We will be having our Walk for Breakfast this Thursday, October 19th. We are asking the school community for donations so we can continue to operate this very important program in our school. As we all know, the price of groceries has greatly increased and the breakfast program is a wonderful way to keep our students nourished and ready to learn.

Please see the document to the right for ways to donate!

Walk for Breakfast Email

Truth and Reconciliation at MCHS

What a wonderful demonstration of compassion and understanding by MCHS. Students and Teachers filled our walls with little feet to remember those affected. Students wore their orange shirts to show support.